Saturday Event

Saturday Event

    Al Hikmah mosque

  • DATE

    26 Mar, 2022

  • TIME

    16:00 CET


Assalamu’alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh

Peace be on you all, with Allah’s mercy and blessings.

Alhamdulillah, praise be to Allah SWT who always gives us guidance and guidance. Shalawat and greetings are always poured out to the prophet Muhammad sallallahu wassallam.

In syaa Allah in mosque Al Hikmah on Saturday, 23 Sya’ban 1443 / 26 March 2022 the following program will take place:

Time Activity
16.00 - 17.50 Qur’an lesson for the students of TPA PPME
(in all rooms except the sholat room upper level and the Al Mu’minoen room)
17.50 - 18.20 Ramadhan ‘kick-off’ for TPA PPME The Hague
(sholat space upper level)
18.30 - 19.00 Yasin meeting Bhs. Indonesia under the guidance of Bpk. Mizar
(sholat space ground level)
19.13 - 19.35 Sholat Magrib
(sholat space upper level)
19.40 - 20.40 Pengajian Bhs. Indonesia
Tema: Tarhib Ramadhan by Bpk. Mizar
(sholat space ground level)
21.03 - end Sholat Isya and Sholat Tasbih accompanied by Bpk. Isyak
(sholat space upper level)

Please note that PPME The Hague will not provide dinner given the health protocol we still want to maintain, in syaa Allah.

The link is accessible half an hour before the start of the meeting. Please turn off the video and mute the sound.

May Allah SWT bless our gathering. aamiiin.

Wassalamu’alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh

Da’wah Commission

Event Speakers


Bpk. Mizar


Bpk. Isyak


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